18th Annual Conference


Year Established





A Sparkling Gem in Freight Forwarding Network

The JGCLine 18th Annual Conference, held from May 31st to June 3rd in Bali, Indonesia.

After a break of four years due to the global pandemic, this year’s conference marked an important milestone as the network proudly rebranded itself as Jewel Global Connection.

The conference aimed to become the leading name in the freight forwarding industry.

The conference saw a great turnout, with 59 attendees from 24 countries, making it the largest gathering in recent years. The event kicked off with a lively Welcoming Cocktail party, where everyone wore traditional Balinese attire. The men sported the Udeng, a traditional Balinese headdress, while the women wore elegant sarongs, adding a touch of Bali’s charm.

The conference’s first day commenced with a warm welcome from Mr. Peter Sequeira, who officiated the event and greeted both old and new faces alike.

This year, the conference featured a special speech by Mr. Subakti from Linc Group (Pt. Bahana Prestasi), who shared valuable insights into the Indonesian market and how freight forwarders can harness its potential. The session was followed by introductions from the Platinum Sponsor, Pyramids Freight Services, USA, as well as our Gold Sponsor, Infreight Logistics Sdn Bhd, Malaysia.

Furthermore, new participants were given the opportunity to introduce themselves, while long-time members shared inspiring stories about their journey within the network.

After the initial sessions, the conference transitioned into interactive one-on-one meetings. These meetings provided a valuable opportunity for delegates to exchange ideas, discuss government policies, and explore potential collaborations across borders. The discussions held during these sessions were incredibly valuable, as they brought together participants from different countries and industries, fostering a sense of teamwork and innovation.

Amidst the busy schedule, the conference also allowed time for leisure and exploration.
A sightseeing tour to the breathtaking Water Blow Nusa Dua, where crashing waves create
a mesmerizing spectacle, offered delegates a chance to unwind and connect on a more personal level. The tour concluded with a delectable lunch at the renowned local restaurant, Bebek Bengil, leaving everyone
with a taste of authentic Balinese cuisine.

To conclude the conference on a high note, a memorable Gala Dinner was organized. The evening was graced by the president of Jewel Global Connection, who expressed gratitude to the sponsors and extended a warm welcome to all the new delegates. As tradition dictated, prizes were awarded to the best-dressed attendees, adding a touch of elegance and flair to the festivities.

Dinner 4

Adding an element of excitement, a unique activity was organized, where the woman with the shortest hair and the man with the longest hair were chosen to select two lucky winners. These fortunate individuals each secured a free pass and a free accommodation to the next conference.

The night concluded with everyone dancing the night away, celebrating newfound friendships and the potential for future collaborations.

Last but not least, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to our valued sponsors who played a pivotal role in making the JGCLine 18th Annual Conference a resounding success. A special thank you goes to our Platinum Sponsor, Pyramids Freight Services from the USA, our Gold Sponsor, Infreight Logistics from Malaysia, our Silver Sponsor, Infinity Logistics International Co., Ltd. from Taiwan, and our Bronze Sponsor, Aura Freight Time Shipping Llc. Your unwavering support, dedication, and partnership are truly invaluable. We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you and look forward to continuing our fruitful relationship in the future.

The JGCLine 18th Annual Conference was a resounding success

– bringing together freight forwarding professionals from across the globe after a long-awaited reunion. Despite the scorching weather and occasional traffic woes, the event created an environment that fostered reconnections and nurtured new bonds.

As the curtain falls on this remarkable conference, Jewel Global Connection looks forward to nurturing existing partnerships and forging new ones, lighting the way toward a future filled with camaraderie and collaboration. Cheers to friendships and the countless opportunities that lie ahead!

To see more photos of our 18th Annual Conference, please visit the links below.



“It is and will always remain a network for its Members and by its Members.”